
Treasure Trove

Treasure Trove is a platform collecting donations from the community, including funds, in-kind resources and learning opportunities for supporting children and youth of deprived groups. The beneficiaries are provided with financial, material and non-material support, such as learning tools, daily necessities, learning opportunities and extracurricular training courses, to enhance their all-round development in spite of their underprivileged backgrounds.

Over the years, many underprivileged children and youth have been supported by Treasure Trove. For examples, sponsored talented youth with violin classes, and bought pairs of glasses for children with amblyopia.

Individuals, corporates or organisations are encouraged to support Treasure Trove by funding, in-kind donation or volunteer service, to help create a happy, healthy and fruitful life for our younger generations.

Current Social Situation

*Poverty line – 50% of the median monthly household income before policy intervention (before tax and social welfare transfer) by household size is adopted as the poverty line.

Source: “Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2020”, Census and Statistics Department

Our Efforts

/uploads/image/202112/27e5a2b27ad39ffa0b64a6108ee138f6.png 41,000+

Children & youth benefited

/uploads/image/202112/d0a70f4fbba073f60710d032ca9d0a0f.png 57,000+

Donation items received

/uploads/image/202112/d5307874b5dacdc9b071255bf7f22dfb.png 35+

Supporting corporates/ organisations

Target Group

Children & youth aged from 0 to 24 and their families. Application criteria included:

  • Under 55% of the Median Monthly Domestic Household Income (MMDHI);
  • Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients; or
  • Full level of financial assistance from the Student Finance Office (STAS).

#Application must be referred by BGCA project in-charge or social worker

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