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特殊幼兒工作員 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 為幼兒提供評估、編寫個別訓練計劃、進行個人及小組訓練/活動等
  • 協助製作教材、提供家長諮詢、家居訓練及活動等工作
  • 協助一般行政工作
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 需具註冊幼稚園教師(QKT)、幼兒教育證書(CE)及註冊幼兒工作員(CCW)
  • 持社署認可特殊幼兒工作員證書
  • 具學前康復服務經驗者優先考慮
  • 對幼兒服務有承擔及耐性
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

社會工作員(學位社工) – 保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區)
深水埗/荃灣/葵青區 深水埗/荃灣/葵青區
保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區) 保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區)
  • 協助提供相關服務,支援懷疑、高危或已確立有保護兒童需要之家庭
  • 負責單位的專業核心服務的推行,積極推展及確保服務質素,包括為個案進行家訪/家居訓練/展外工作、推行心理教育/治療性小組或個別訓練、推行各項活動及義工培訓等
  • 與轉介個案單位保持良好溝通及協作,定期評檢進度及撰寫個案進度報告
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 需要輪班及於週六或日工作
  • 持認可社會工作學位或以上程度之註冊社工
  • 不少於兩年幼兒/兒童/青年/家庭的工作經驗
  • 具處理虐兒個案/少數族裔家庭/特殊教育需要家庭的工作經驗者優先考慮
  • 具良好的溝通、策劃及組織能力
  • 具備良好的中英文會話及書寫能力
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

社會工作員(文憑社工) – 保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區)
深水埗/荃灣/葵青區 深水埗/荃灣/葵青區
保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區) 保護兒童支援服務(深荃葵青區)
  • 協助提供相關服務,支援懷疑、高危或已確立有保護兒童需要之家庭
  • 負責單位的專業核心服務的推行,積極推展及確保服務質素,包括為個案進行家訪/家居訓練/展外工作、推行小組或個別訓練、推行各項活動及義工培訓等
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 需要輪班及於週六或日工作
  • 持認可社會工作文憑、高級文憑、副學士或以上程度之註冊社工
  • 不少於兩年幼兒/兒童/青年/家庭的工作經驗
  • 具支援少數族裔家庭/特殊教育需要家庭的工作經驗者優先考慮
  • 具良好的溝通、策劃及組織能力
  • 具備良好的中英文會話及書寫能力
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

外展社會工作員(文憑社工/學位社工) - 觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊及「夜貓子民」東九龍夜青服務
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觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊及「夜貓子民」東九龍夜青服務 觀塘區青少年外展社會工作隊及「夜貓子民」東九龍夜青服務
  • 為觀塘區及黃大仙區內6-24歲的外展服務對象及其家庭提供服務,包括個案輔導、危機介入、小組及活動等
  • 需輪值上班、負責日間外展工作及深宵當值服務
  • 需到社區內接觸夜間流連的青少年工作
  • 協助及配合單位與本會服務之推行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 持認可社會工作文憑、高級文憑、副學士或以上程度之註冊社工
  • 具備有關青少年工作、處理犯罪違規、吸毒、性危機個案及家庭輔導服務經驗者優先考慮 
  • 具備良好的人際溝通能力、中英文會話及書寫能力
  • 具有不同的興趣技能,如電腦操作、體藝、多媒體製作等
  • 主動積極、成熟自律、有愛心、富責任感、有耐性並勇於面對困難及挑戰、正向思維、具備學習動機及具創意
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

助理計劃主任 - 結伴再成長-兒童發展基金計劃(觀塘區)
油塘 油塘
結伴再成長-兒童發展基金計劃(觀塘區) 結伴再成長-兒童發展基金計劃(觀塘區)
  • 協助策劃及執行師友計劃活動(包括大型活動或特別事工的推行)
  • 策劃及推展少年抗逆力培育及潛能發展工作
  • 策劃及執行友師工作及家長工作(推行小組/活動及輔導)
  • 協助師友培訓及企業聯繫
  • 執行服務評估、協助處理行政及財政工作
  • 執行計劃、文書、會計、撰寫書信、會議記錄、文件存檔、網頁管理
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007 年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或 
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 具學位或以上教育程度(修讀輔導學/心理學/社會科學學科)優先考慮
  • 具兒童、青少年及家長工作經驗優先考慮 
  • 具備良好的人際溝通能力、中英文會話及書寫能力
  • 具有不同的興趣技能,如電腦操作、體藝、多媒體製作等,對運用資訊科技及社交媒體操作有基本認識
  • 對社會服務委身熱誠、主動積極、成熟自律、有愛心、富責任感、、正向思維、具備學習動機及具創意
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

正家長 - 兒童之家(天水圍)
天水圍 天水圍
兒童之家 兒童之家
  • 照顧8名4至18歲因家庭問題而需要入住兒童之家的兒童及青少年
  • 指導及照顧家舍內的兒童及青少年,包括日常起居生活、飲食作息及功課輔導等
  • 為宿生提供個別關顧,促進宿生身心靈健康成長
  • 協助社工提供有關兒童及青少年的行為輔導及推行各項活動
  • 如有需要,會調往本會於其他地區設立的兒童之家工作
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 工作地點: 天水圍
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或同等學歷或以上程度
  • 正家長須為已婚男性或已婚女性,必須一對夫婦入住家舍,及可與不超過兩名4至18歲子女一同入住
  • 夫婦兩人性格均須成熟穩重,喜愛照顧兒童、具興趣培育、煮食等經驗,無不良嗜好
  • 五天工作制,按更期休假
  • 入職薪酬 (包括配偶津貼及留宿津貼) 可達$38,000,並會視乎申請者相關經驗而作調整;如工作表現符合要求,同工每年可獲增薪,月薪(包括配偶津貼及留宿津貼)最高可達約$48,000
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

替家長 – 兒童之家(天水圍)
天水圍 天水圍
兒童之家 兒童之家
  • 於兒童之家與替家長輪值工作或正家長休假及有工作需要時上班,需於兒童之家留宿
  • 照顧8名4至18歲因家庭問題而需要入住兒童之家的兒童及青少年
  • 指導及照顧家舍內的兒童及青少年,包括日常起居生活,飲食作息及功課輔導等
  • 為宿生提供個別關顧,促進宿生身心靈健康成長
  • 協助社工提供有關兒童及青少年的行為輔導及推行各項活動
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 工作地點: 天水圍
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 喜愛照顧兒童及無不良嗜好,具興趣培育、煮食、料理家務等經驗
  • 替家長於兒童之家工作或留宿時間平均每星期約三至四天,工作時間由會方編定
  • 另可獲留宿津貼
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

半職計劃主任 - 陽光家庭
鑽石山 鑽石山
陽光家庭 陽光家庭
  • 統籌及管理幼兒興趣班及課程 
  • 統籌及帶領幼兒訓練小組及親子活動
  • 管理及處理計劃行政及財政工作
  • 協助支援中心當值及運作
  • 協助支援計劃及本會幼兒服務發展
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 工作地點: 鑽石山
  • 持有大學學位或以上程度
  • 具幼兒工作相關經驗者優先
  • 良好中英文書寫及電腦應用能力
  • 具良好溝通、協作及獨立工作能力
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

高級特殊幼兒工作員 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(東涌)
東涌滿東邨 東涌滿東邨
「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(東涌) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(東涌)
  • 負責督導SCCC的特殊幼兒工作員,編定課程及訓練內容,提供示範及統籌製作教材等
  • 協助主任處理單位的行政工作,促進團隊溝通及合作
  • 為有特殊需要的幼兒提供評估、個別、小組訓練/活動及家長工作等
  • 協助推廣服務,與持份者保持良好工作關係,提高服務效能
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 五天工作及享有津貼
  • 工作地點:東涌滿東邨
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 需具註冊幼稚園教師(QKT)、幼兒教育證書(CE)及註冊幼兒工作員(CCW)
  • 持社署認可特殊幼兒工作員證書
  • 5年或以上學前康復服務經驗
  • 具良好溝通、協作能力及團隊精神
  • 對幼兒服務有承擔及持續學習
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

幼兒教師 - 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣)
九龍灣 九龍灣
樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣) 樂緻幼兒園暨幼稚園(九龍灣)
  • 負責照顧學校2至6歲幼兒
  • 負責編寫學校教學計劃
  • 負責與家長溝通
  • 負責學校的校務工作
  • 負責輪值照顧需要延長託管服務的幼兒
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 持有認可的幼兒教育或相關學科的學士學位或以上程度
  • 需具註冊幼稚園教師(QKT)、幼兒教育證書(CE)及註冊幼兒工作員(CCW)資歷及懂琴
  • 已取得《基本法及香港國安法》測試及格成績
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

兼職幼兒工作員 - 恩童計劃
觀塘 觀塘
恩童計劃 恩童計劃
  • 負責編制及帶領0-3歲嬰幼兒小組及活動
  • 協助預備及推展不同類型服務予嬰幼兒及其家長
  • 處理由督導指派的工作
  • 薪金以時薪計算
  • 工作地點:觀塘
  • (i)香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級或
  • (ii)香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 需具認可註冊幼稚園教師(QKT)、註冊幼兒教育證書(CE)及註冊幼兒工作員(CCW)
  • 具備幼兒教育經驗
  • 能操流利英語優先
  • 具愛心及耐性,熱愛幼兒教育,有責任心
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

(全職/半職) 幼兒工作助理 - 學前兒童課餘託管服務
大圍 大圍
學前兒童課餘託管服務 學前兒童課餘託管服務
  • 協助教導及照顧 3-6 歲幼稚園學童,包括學童的基本個人護理及潔淨工作
  • 協助統籌託管服務運作及策劃興趣活動,包括設計活動與製作教材
  • 協助跟進日常託管服務安排及協助文書工作
  • 協助為課託導師提供學前兒童照顧訓練/監督/指導,確保服務質素
  • 協助與家長協調其子女日常託管安排及提供支援服務,按服務需要到校接送學員返回中心
  • 支援中心行政工作
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 按服務需要或間中於週六工作
  • 工作地點: 大圍
  • (i)完成中五會考課程或
  • (ii)完成中六中學文憑課程或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 具相關幼兒工作經驗優先
  • 有愛心、富責任感及耐性、具團隊精神及良好溝通技巧
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

Classroom Helper – '"SAIL" Early Child Development Centre(Tung Chung)
Tung Chung Tung Chung
'"SAIL" Early Child Development Centre(Tung Chung) '"SAIL" Early Child Development Centre(Tung Chung)
  • Assist ethnic minority (EM) children to participate in classroom and various treatment training in school
  • Assist EM parents to understand the training content and follow up the home training of their children
  • Assist in organizing EM’s activities and family activities
  • Assist teachers and therapists in making EM teaching materials
  • Perform ad hoc duties as assigned
  • Contract end date: 31/12/2025
  • Form 5 or above
  • Can speak and understand languages of ethnic minority , e.g. Urdu
  • Good in listening & understanding Cantonese and English
How to apply

Please apply with detailed resume and the application form with e-mail address and expected salary to Ms. Chan, The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong, Unit 105-106, Joysmark, Mun Tung Estate, Tung Chung, Lantau Island, Hong Kong or email to connie.cw.chan@bgca.org.hk by 26th Jan, 2025.

Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

言語治療師 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
- -
 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 為SCCC及EETC的幼兒提供專業評估、個別及小組訓練/活動等
  • 為家長提供專業諮詢、家居訓練及支援服務等
  • 為本會服務提供專業諮詢及員工培訓等
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 持本港認可言語及聽覺科學學位或以上學歷
  • 對幼兒服務有承擔及耐性
  • 有相關工作經驗優先
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

半職職業治療助理 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)

按職業治療師/物理治療師指示提供服務, 包括(但不限於):

  • 提供復康服務和訓練, 如協助提供治療服務及復康運動
  • 協助準備訓練內容及用具
  • 帶領治療小組, 協助維修復康器材、清潔及保養復康用具
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 中五或以上程度
  • 具保健員或物理治療助理或職業治療助理證書優先考慮
  • 具服務幼兒/殘疾人士經驗者優先考慮
  • 具金工、木工及輪椅維修經驗,能操作基本電腦及使用電動縫紉機者優先
  • 具中文書寫及電腦應用能力
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

登記護士 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 負責中心的整體衛生情況
  • 安排職工的清潔工作
  • 協助管理校車服務
  • 協助餐單的設計及監察廚師的煮食
  • 監察學童身體狀況
  • 監察中心的防疫情況
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • (i) 香港中學文憑考試五科包括中文、英文、數學、通識達二級 或
  • (ii) 香港中學會考五科合格包括中文、英文(2007年前之"課程乙")、數學或具同等學歷或
  • (iii) 副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 持認可香港登記護士証書及有效之執業證書
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

行政助理 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 協助行政支援工作
  • 負責會議文書及秘書工作
  • 處理單位財政交代工作
  • 協助單位對外聯絡工作
  • 管理單位日常行政事務及交代
  • 協助推行中心的日常活動及技術性支援工作
  • 協助大型活動或特別事工的推行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • (i)完成中五會考課程或
  • (ii)完成中六中學文憑課程或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 懂得使用 Mircosoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint,中英文打字等
  • 基本電腦常識
  • 略憧英語會話及普通話
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

課室助理員 – 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 協助學童於課室的日常運作
  • 協助中心前檯櫃位事務及服務查詢
  • 協助跟進中心各項行政、文書及場地運作等後勤支援服務
  • 協助推行中心活動進行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 中三或以上程度
  • 良好溝通技巧及態度
  • 富工作熱誠、責任感及對服務對象具關懷態度
  • 掌握一般電腦文書軟件、中英文輸入法
  • 具學前兒童工作經驗者優先
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

半職廚師 - 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 負責一般廚房工作,預備及烹調早餐、午餐及茶點給特殊學校(2-6歲)學童食用
  • 協助護士制定學童餐單、購買食材
  • 保持廚房地方清潔及用具整齊,衛生
  • 負責由主任/督導指派的其他工作等
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 中三或以上程度
  • 具2-4年廚工經驗
  • 良好粵語、懂讀寫中文
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

職工 –「樂航」兒童早期發展中心 (馬鞍山)
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 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山) 「樂航」兒童早期發展中心(馬鞍山)
  • 負責中心日常清潔、雜務
  • 照顧學童如廁、進餐、有需要時烹調食物等
  • 往銀行、購買食物及用品
  • 協助中心活動進行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 每週工作 5 天共 44 小時(星期一至六上午 8:00至下午 4:48 或上午  8:30至下午5:18 或上午  9:12至下午 6:00;或按服務需要由督導安排
  • 學歷不拘,操良好粵語,懂閱讀及書寫中文
  • 有經驗者優先考慮
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

社會工作員 – 學前兒童課餘託管服務
大圍 / 筲箕灣 大圍 / 筲箕灣
學前兒童課餘託管服務 學前兒童課餘託管服務
  • 作為服務隊長,負責教導及照顧 3-6 歲幼稚園學童,包括學童的基本個人護理及潔淨工作
  • 統籌託管服務運作及策劃興趣活動,包括設計活動與製作教材
  • 協助跟進日常託管服務安排及協助文書工作
  • 為課託導師提供學前兒童照顧訓練/監督/指導,確保服務質素
  • 策劃及推行新同工導向程序
  • 與家長協調其子女日常託管安排及提供支援服務,按服務需要到校接送學員返回中心
  • 支援中心行政工作
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 按服務需要或需間中於週六工作
  • 工作地點: 大圍 / 筲箕灣
  • 持認可社會工作學位或以上程度之註冊社工
  • 具相關幼兒及家長工作經驗優先
  • 有愛心、富責任感及耐性、具團隊精神及良好溝通技巧
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

社會工作員 - 在校課後託管服務計劃 (大埔中心)
大埔 大埔
在校課後託管服務計劃 (大埔中心) 在校課後託管服務計劃 (大埔中心)
  • 專責在校課後託管服務計劃(擴展計劃),為一些因工作、尋找工作或其他原因而未能在課後時間照顧子女的家庭,提供在校及在服務單位照顧學童服務
  • 專責評估合資格學童參與計劃,並管理、統籌及推行在校課後託管服務的運作執行 專責於計劃內提升學童全人發展及精神健康等服務領域推展
  • 協助提升社區服務能力及推動、發展社區資本工作
  • 協助及配合單位與本會服務之推行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 必須於星期一至日、公眾假期輪值工作
  • 合約期完結日:2025年8月31日
  • 持認可社會工作文憑、高級文憑、副學士或以上程度之註冊社工
  • 具備相關到校支援工作及兒童及家長服務經驗優先考慮
  • 具良好的管理、統籌服務計劃的能力
  • 具主動積極、良好的人際溝通及應變能力、善於與兒童、家長、學校教職員溝通
  • 具良好協作能力及團隊精神
  • 具有中英文會話及書寫能力,熟悉電腦軟件應用及不同的興趣技能,如歷奇輔導、遊戲體藝、多媒體藝術製作、STEM活動帶領、新興運動帶領等等
  • 具有相關課後託管服務、支援特殊學習需要學童及兒童及家庭活動策劃及執行的工作經驗優先考慮
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

行政助理 - 粉嶺中心
粉嶺 粉嶺
粉嶺中心 粉嶺中心
  • 處理日常單位行政事務, 如櫃檯接待、收費及支出處理、回答外界諮詢、協助對外聯絡
  • 負責文件存檔、會議記錄、採購、管理及點存傢俱與文儀器材
  • 處理單位財政記錄及交代工作
  • 協助統籌單位服務資料的文書及統計工作
  • 協助大型活動或特別事工的推行
  • 處理由督導指派的其他工作
  • 合約期: 一年
  • (i)完成中五會考課程或
  • (ii)完成中六中學文憑課程或
  • (iii)副學士、高級文憑或具同等學歷或以上程度
  • 懂得使用MS Excel
  • 良好溝通技巧、主動、有禮貌、有責任感及樂於與家長、兒童及青少年溝通
  • 具相關工作經驗或對電腦操作有更多認識者優先
How to apply


Remarks / Statement
  • The Association is a social welfare organization that provides professional services. The service targets include children and young people. Starting from December 1, 2011, employees are required to apply for a sexual conviction record check before entering employment.
  • We are an equal opportunity employer
  • The job details and job application form can be downloaded from the association's website, the organization website: https://www.bgca.org.hk/articles/join-our-team
  • The information provided by the applicant will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purposes
Download Application Form Personal Information Collection Statement for Recruitment
  • The personal data provided in the application forms will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to the third parties authorised to process the information for purposes relating to recruitment by and employment (e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination, employer reference and integrity checking, etc.) as may be necessary.
  • Your provision of all the personal data requested in the application form is obligatory. Your application will not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job, or if you do not signify your consent in the Declaration part of the form.
  • You are required to notify the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department if there are any subsequent changes to the information provided after submission of the application form
  • It is our policy to retain the personal information of unsuccessful interviewee for future reference purpose for 1 year. When similar vacancies arise during the period, we may transfer your application to respective parties for consideration of employment. Thereafter, the personal information together with all materials provided will be disposed of.
  • Information of unsuccessful applicants, who were not invited for interview, will be destroyed within 1 month after the application deadline.
  • The Association is a non-governmental organization which provides professional service for children and youth. With effect from December 1, 2011 new appointees are required to complete and pass the Sexual Conviction Record Check.
  • In accordance with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, applicants are entitled to ascertain the Association holds personal data on them, to require any inaccuracies in such personal data to be corrected and to ask for a copy of such personal data. For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form or enquiries on recruitment matters, please contact the subject officer of the recruiting unit/ Human Resources Department as specified in the recruitment advertisement.
    Headquarters Address: 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
    Tel: 25279121
    Email: recruit-hr@bgca.org.hk

Updated: November 2016

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